Oracle APEX Template Directives allow us to move data formatting from SQL to HTML, creating easier-to-read queries, improving performance, and reducing the risk of Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
Template Components can be used on any component with the HTML Expression, and we have the following options:
IF: For the IF example we are going to use the DISABLE_FLAG column. If there the column is not null will return Yes else NO.
Token Modifiers
| Condition | Directive | | --- | --- | | if_exists_and_true |
{if ITEM/}
| | if_exists |{if ?ITEM/}
| | if_not_exists_or_false |{if !ITEM/}
| | if_not_exists |{if !?ITEM/}
| | if_not_false |{if =ITEM/}
| | if_exists_and_false |{if !=ITEM/}
|CASE: For the CASE we are going to use the GENDER column. When M we will show the fa-male icon and fa-female when the value is F.
LOOP: For the LOOP, the column BADGES contains colon-separated values representing all the badges the user has. We are going to break that into <li> elements and add the fa-trophy icon.
The code above will return the following:
WITH and APPLY allow us to add predefined template component plugins and use them inside a template component (nested template component) or in HTML Expressions. In the example below, we will use the BADGE template component plugin to show the value of the FULL_NAME column.
The code above will return the following:
To help us build the WITH/APPLY and add all the custom attributes for each plugin, Matt Mulvaney created the Template Component With/Apply Generator This tool is very helpful for generating the WITH/APPLY for each plugin